Acronym/Lingo | Meaning |
0-day | geek: (computer) vulnerability (that developers have zero day (a.k.a. no time) to fix) |
1337 | geek: (leet) spelling for elite (hacker or computer programmer) |
2day | Today |
2ff | Too Effing Fabulous, Too Effing Feisty (original) |
2moro | Tomorrow |
2nite | Tonight |
4ever / 4eva | Forever |
AFAICR | As Far As I Can Remember/Recall |
AFIAK | As Far As I Know |
ALAICR | As Long As I Can Remember/Recall |
AQAP | As Quick(ly) As Possible |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ATM | At The Moment |
AWS | As We Speak |
B4 | Before |
B4N / BfN | Bye For Now |
b/f | Boyfriend |
BBIAB | (I Will) Be Back In A Bit |
BBIAM | (I Will) Be Back In A Minute |
BF | Best Friend |
BFF | Best Friend(s) Forever |
BFFF | Best Effing Friend(s) Forever |
BFK | Big Fat Kiss |
BOL | Bawl Out Loud |
BRB | (I Will) Be Right Back |
BSOM | Beats the $&%* outta me. (as in, "I have no idea" or, "I have no clue".) |
BS / B.S. / B/S | Bull#&%$ (Swear) |
BTW | By The Way |
Buddy | Chat Friend (on your chat client list) |
cam | Webcam, Web Camera |
Chillaxin' | Chilling And Relaxing |
CTFD | Close The Front/Effing Door |
CTFD | Calm The Eff Down |
CTHD | Calm The Hell Down |
CYA | See Ya! (as in insultive BYE!) |
CYL | See You/Ya Later, Catch You Later (original) |
CWYL | (I Will) Chat With You Later |
D2E | Down-To-Earth |
D/L | Down Low |
DFC | Don't Effing Care (usually said by delinquents) |
DIY | Do It Yourself |
DL | Download (file from the internet) |
DnO | Down And Out, Down n Out (original) |
DoA | Dead On Arrival |
DoS | geek: Denial of Service (Hacking Parlance) |
DDoS | geek: Distributed Denial of Service (Hacking Parlance) |
DWL | Dying With Laughter |
EFF | Epic Effin' Fail'ure |
EMG | Everything Must Go |
f/o | @#$% Off (offensive) |
FCS | For Christ's Sake |
FFS | For Eff's Sake (Swear) |
FTR | For The Record |
FTSO | For The Sake Of |
FTTB | For The Time Being |
FUD | Effed Up Decision (original) |
FUBAR / FOOBAR | Effed Up Beyond All Recognition/Repair (Military) |
FUBR | Effed Up Beyond Recognition/Repair |
FUBU | Effed Up Beyond Understanding (not the same as the clothes brand) |
FWIW | For What It's Worth |
FWIK | From What I Know |
FYI | For Your Information/Info. |
g/f | Girlfriend |
GAL | Get A Life (original) |
GFYS | Go Eff Yourself (offensive) |
GM / g/m | Good Morning |
GM? | Got Mail?, Got Milk? (offensive) |
GMM? | Got My Mail? |
GR8 | Great |
GTFO | Get The Eff Out |
GTFU | Get The Eff Up |
GTHO | Get The Hell Out |
GTHU | Get The Hell Up |
G2G / GTG | Got To Go (usually in a hurry) |
H&K / HaK / HnK / H+K | Hugs And Kisses |
hax / |-|/-\>< | geek for hack |
hax0r | geek: pertaining to hacking/hacker (These terms are usually used to circumnavigate authourities', such as the NSA, surveillance on the internet.) |
ICU | I See You (usually on webcam) |
IDFC | I Don't Effing Care (usually said by delinquents) |
IDK | I Don't Know |
IM | Instant Message/Messaging |
IMB | In My Book |
IMHO | In My Humble Opinion |
IMO | In My Opinion |
IMOT | In My Own Time |
IMVHO | In My Very Humble Opinion |
ISO | In Search Of |
j/k | Joking, Just Kidding |
JIT | Just In Time |
Kewl! / Kewlies! | Cool!: Overwhelmingly expressing liking something, someone, an idea, etc. This gesture is usually used with a particular emoticon: the one wearing the sunshades. |
KIR | Keep, Keeping It Real (original) |
KISS | Keep It Simple, Stupid (usually used by youngsters who are hiding something from someone, especially an adult) |
KK | OK! OK! (Incessantly Reassuring) |
KMT | Kiss/Kissing My Teeth |
KOTC | Kiss On The Cheek |
KOTL | Kiss On The Lips |
KT | Kill/Killing Time, Kiss/Kissing Teeth |
L8 | Late |
L8R | Later |
Lappy | Laptop |
LMAO | Laughing My Ass Off |
LMBO | Laughing My Balls Off |
LMN8 | Eliminate |
LOL | Laugh/Laughing Out Loud |
LOLAK | Lots Of Love And Kisses |
LTNS | Long Time No See |
Mofo | Mother'effer' (As in, "I am a bad ass mofo!") |
MILF | Mom/Mother I'd Like To Eff (offensive) |
MMW | Mark My Words |
MUNG | geek: Mash Until No Good (usually the stack) |
NM | No Mentioning (It) |
N00b / Noob | geek: Newbie/Novice/Inexperienced (hacker or computer user) |
n/p | No Problem |
OBTW | Oh, By The Way |
OIC | Oh! I See! |
OMDB | Over My Dead Body |
OMG! | Oh My God!, Oh My Gosh! |
OMFG | Oh My Effing God |
OTOH | On The Other Hand |
P2P | geek: Peer-To-Peer (Download), Point-To-Point (Internet Connection) |
Pic | Picture or image |
PM | Private Message, Private Chat |
PoC | Piece Of Crap (Swear) |
PoD | geek: Ping of Death (hacking parlance) |
PoR | Point Of Retirement |
PoS | Point Of Sale, Piece Of $&%* (Swear) |
PoV | Point Of View (commonly referring to porn) |
Pr0n | geek: Obfuscated spelling for porn. |
PWN | Own/Compromise/Take Over (by hacking) (usually a computer system) |
RBTL | Read Between The Lines |
ROFL | Rolling On Floor Laughing |
ROFLMAO | Rolling On Floor Laughing My Ass Off |
ROFLMBO | Rolling On Floor Laughing My Balls Off |
ROTFL | Rolling On The Floor Laughing |
ROTFLMAO | Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off |
ROTFLMBO | Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Balls Off |
RTFM | Read The Fine/Effing Manual |
RTM | Read The Manual |
RTO | Return To Owner |
Screenie | Screenshot |
SFF | So Effin' Funny |
Skiddie/Skid | geek: Script Kiddie |
SMC / SMD | (Very Offensive) |
SMH | Shake/Shaking My Head |
SoB | Son of a *&$%# (Curse) |
STBM / S2BM | Sucks To Be Me |
STBU / STBY / S2BU / S2BY | Sucks To Be You/Ya |
STFD | Shut The Front/Effing Door |
STFD | Sit The Eff Down |
STFU | Shut The Eff Up |
STHD | Sit The Hell Down |
STHU | Shut The Hell Up |
STR8 | Straight |
SWAK | Sealed/Sent With A Kiss |
SYFM | Shut Your Effing Mouth |
t/y | Thank You |
There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. Pronounced tans toffle. More than often used by geeks or scientists, in reference to the phenomenon (in life) where (often overwhelming, or even noticeable) sacrificies have to be made in the process of implementing or bettering a task or concept. |
TBH / 2BH | To Be Honest |
THX | Thanks |
TLC | Tender Loving Care |
TMA | Too Much Alcohol |
TMI | Too Much Info/Too Many Idiots |
TMD | Too Much Drugs/Driving/Drinking/(Many)Drinks/... |
TMOT | Taking My Own Time |
TMP | Too Many People, Too Many Parties, Too Much Partying |
TMS | Too Much Sex/Sun/... |
TTYL | (I'll) Talk To You Later |
TYL | Text You Later |
TYVM | Thank You Very Much |
UL | Upload (file to the internet) |
UU / U-U / UnU | Up And Up |
WB / w/b | Welcome Back |
WIKI | geek: What I Know Is |
WOC | Went Out Camping (original) |
WOF | Went Out Fishing (original) |
WOH | Went Out Hiking (original) |
WOS | Went Out Shopping/Skiing/Smoking/... (original) |
WPoC | Worthless Piece Of Crap (Swear) |
WPoS | Worthless Piece Of $&%* (Swear) |
WTMA | Way Too Much Alcohol |
WTF | What/Where/Who/Why The $&%* |
WTH | What/Where/Who/Why The Hell |
WTMI | Way Too Much Info, Way Too Many Idiots |
WTMD | Way Too Much Drugs/Driving/Drinking/(Many)Drinks/... |
WTMP | Way Too Many People, Way Too Many Parties, Way Too Much Partying |
WTMS | Way Too Much Sex/Sun/... |
WYT | Wait Your Turn |
WYWH | Wish/Wishing You Were Here |
XO, XOXO | Hugs & Kisses |
XX, XXX | Kisses |
y/w | You're Welcome |
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